Imagine driving on an obscure road, without GPS or maps, convinced that you are on the right path, while each turn leads you further from your destination. This is the case with many people who live without God.
They are lost, but they don’t know it. If you told them that they are lost, they might even be offended because they think they know exactly where they are going in life because of a lack of spiritual awareness. They don’t realize that life on earth isn’t the only thing to worry about.
So evangelizing these souls requires not only wise words, but an empathetic approach. One must reach out, not to judge, but to guide with love and understanding. By sharing testimonies of transformation, we can awaken the consciousness of those who are lost.
It is essential to remember that even the darkest of nights can reveal the brightest stars, if we take a moment to look at the sky. Thus, dear brothers and sisters, the call to evangelization is a mission of light in the dark, an act of compassion and love. Together, let us walk this narrow path and help those who are lost find the way to truth and eternal life in Jesus Christ.
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